As we learn and grow together, besides attending class
Attend worship
Monthly sermon notes
Monthly leadership (acolyte, read, facebook live, greet)
Attend youth group or Sunday school
Shut in and other service projects
Attend retreat
If classes are missed, make up is available.
We are also looking for parents to sign up to bring lunch for class. Please contract Pr Chrissy or Darcie to Sign up.
VBS is coming.... June 3-7! 9-11:30
please register in link at top of page!!!!
Sunday School for all ages
9 am
for picture from VBS check our facebook page
Faith Formation is a two-year program for middle school students to explore what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ and what it means to be a Christian in the Lutheran tradition. This is what you may know as "Confirmation Class." At the culmination of the two-years of growth and study, our youth may choose to make their "Affirmation of Baptism" in the Spring, shortly after Easter.
It is important to note that this Affirmation of Baptism (or "Confirmation," if you prefer) is a rite that our youth choose to participate in. It is not a "graduation" of sorts, not a reward for attending a set number of classes and completing a prescribed number of sermon notes. Yes, those things are important and helpful for your child's faith formation, but equally important is that these children make a personal decision to Affirm their Baptism and to continue to learn and grow in their Lutheran Christian faith.